President congratulates Yemeni workers on occasion Intel Labours Day

Yemen News Agency SABA
President congratulates Yemeni workers on occasion Intel Labours Day
[30/ April/2024]
SANA'A April 30. 2024 (Saba) - President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat on Tuesday congratulated Yemen's workers on the occasion of International Labors Day, which falls on May 1 of each year.

In the cable, al-Mashat congratulated all the workers, both male and female of Yemen for their their patience and steadfastness to achieve many victories in the battle of construction, similar to what was achieved in the battle of steadfastness.

He pointed out that the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition is continuing to restrict the livelihood of Yemeni workers through the economic blockade imposed on the country and impeding progress in any political solutions that would ensure the implementation of humanitarian benefits, most notably the disbursement of salaries and the benefit of all the people of Yemen from their wealth and goods.

Al-Mashat said the steadfastness and patience of Yemeni workers contributed greatly and effectively to thwarting the plans and conspiracies of the aggression, aimed at disrupting the work and production process in Yemen in general.

He cited the experience of the Yemeni Armed Forces, which during the years of aggression and siege was living testimony to the fact that determination, persistence, and initiative to transform difficulties into opportunities, as they were able to move from scratch to relative sufficiency in military industries, which requires Yemeni workers to benefit from this and achieve it in various fields.

The President expressed his hope that the General Federation of Yemeni Trade Unions would intensify its activities by communicating with Arab and international labor unions to convey the injustice of Yemeni workers as a result of the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression and blockade on various tracks.

resource : Saba