President Al-Mashat congratulates strategic security achievement by arresting American-Israeli spy network

Yemen News Agency SABA
President Al-Mashat congratulates strategic security achievement by arresting American-Israeli spy network
[12/ June/2024]
SANA'A June 12. 2024 (Saba) - His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, congratulated the security services and all the great Yemeni people for the unprecedented strategic security achievement achieved by arresting the American-Israeli spy network, the most dangerous and largest in the history of Yemen.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), President Al-Mashat appreciated the cooperation, vigilance and awareness of the Yemeni people, who were and still are an impenetrable bulwark in the face of all conspiratorial and sabotage projects of the enemies.

He stressed that what was revealed by the security achievement expresses the extreme state of hostility that the United States of America has towards peoples and countries, especially in our Arab and Islamic region, its constant willingness to spread sabotage and chaos with the aim of imposing its hegemony on the world.

However, in Yemen, it collided with the will of the September 21 Revolution for freedom, independence and prevention foreign interference in our country.

His Excellency the President explained, “Credit is due to God Almighty for achieving this great achievement, and that one of the most prominent factors that contributed to its achievement is our reliance on the Qur’anic vision regarding the nature of the conflict with the nation’s enemies, the Americans , the Israelis, and the method of confronting them.”


resource : SABA